Performance Under Pressure
Today’s industrial equipment and work vehicles need to be prepared to perform under extreme pressure.
From heavily loaded gears to high load hydraulic systems, extreme pressure applications are a fact of life in the automotive, mining, manufacturing and agricultural industries. Equipment needs to be able to hold up to these extreme conditions on a daily basis without breaking down. Choosing an extreme pressure lubricant is a must for keeping things running.
Gears and bearings in industrial equipment often operate in constant extreme pressure conditions. This can lead to lubricants wearing out quickly and more frequent downtime as the metal on metal grinding can lead to micropitting and other issues. To further complicate matters, many of the gearboxes in these machines can be difficult to access and re-lubricate. That is why it is important to pick up a high quality extreme pressure lubricant, like Mobil SHC Gear 460, Dyna-Plex 21C Synzol LDS 75W-90 or Mobil Spartan EP 150.
Hydraulic systems are also subjected to extreme pressure, whether its as a part of an industrial machine or a construction vehicle. Lubricants like Mobil Univis HVI 13 are ideal for a wide range of different hydraulic systems. Some systems require more specialize hydraulic fluids, like ashless Mobil DTE 10 Excel 46 or environmentally aware Mobil EAL 224 H.
Mining equipment and construction vehicles work almost exclusively in high pressure, extreme temperature conditions. These conditions can make maintaining that equipment a serious challenge. Lubricants like Mobilgrease XHP 462 Moly and Mobilgrease CM-S can keep your equipment running longer. Mobilgrease XHP 222 Special can help protect vulnerable vehicle parts in extreme conditions, while Mobilgrease XHP 321 Mine can help improve vehicle performance.
There are plenty of lubricants out there designed for extreme pressure situations. Mobil Polyrex EP 2 is effective in a wide variety of applications, Mobilith SHC 100 is effective in high speed motors and Dyna-Plex 21c Semi-Kut 61 is designed for high pressure machining. It is important to understand what you are looking for and make the right selection for the job.

Knowledge Center Links:
-Oil vs. Grease: What's the Difference?
-Conventionals, Synthetics and Blends
-Important Lubricant Organizations
Lubricants 201
Lubricants 301
-Handling and Storing Lubricants
-Lubricant Maintenance and Analysis
-Get Prepared for Warm Weather
-Dropping Point/Useable Temperature Chart
-The Right Motor Oil for the RIght Temperature
-Specially Tailored Lubricants Can Power Performance
-This Winter, Choose the Right Lubricant
-Benefits of Universal Tractor Fluids in Construction Equipment
-Chain Lubrication - Penetration is the Key to Success
-When Choosing Grease, Practice Due Diligence
-Metalworking Fluids: A Product Overview
-What's That Smell? Microbiological Growth in Metalworking Fluids